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Divi Footer Editor


  • Self-Hosted WordPress Installation
  • Divi Theme or Extra Theme by Elegant Themes
  • PHP version 7 or greater
  • memory_limit 128M
  • post_max_size 64M
  • max_execution_time 180
  • upload_max_filesize 64M
  • max_input_time 180
  • max_input_vars 5000
  • MySQL version 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB version 10.0 or greater
  • HTTPS support
  • Nginx or Apache with mod_rewrite module

Remember: In order for the Aspen Footer Editor Plugin to work, you must have Divi or Extra from Elegant Themes. If you do not have it you can purchase it here. Once you have it, please install it on your self-hosted WordPress website.

Aspen Footer Editor is an ultra lightweight yet powerful plugin that allows you to easily edit your Divi and Extra website’s footer information. With this plugin, you can add custom footer text and change the color, size, hyperlink, and even add images & videos! The best part? All of this is done within a simple to use WYSIWYG editor just as if you were editing a post or page.

** Visit the Aspen Footer Editor Plugin Page Here **

Major features

  • Easy to install and access via the Divi or Extra dashboard tab or the plugins dashboard ‘settings’ link"
  • Works with both Divi and Extra
  • Easy editing capability within a standard WordPress WYSIWYG interface
  • No setup required
  • Lightweight
  • Change the size, color, link, etc. of your footer copy
  • Easily add photos, videos and more to your footer!
  • ***NEW FEATURE*** Easily implement dynamic dates such as ‘current year, month, week, day and even time’ using a simple drop-down short-code selector


From WordPress Dashboard

  • Navigate to the ‘Add New’ in the plugins dashboard
  • Navigate to the ‘Upload’ area
  • Select from your computer
  • Click ‘Install Now’
  • Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard

Using FTP

  1. Download

  2. Extract the directory to your computer

  3. Upload the divi-footer-editor directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

  4. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any bugs with this plugin?

We have tested this plugin extensively and have found no known bugs or conflicts, but there is always the chance of unforeseen situations and potential bugs. If your website does happen to crash after installing this plugin, please follow WordPress’ procedure on manually deleting a plugin here

Will this plugin slow down my site?

This plugin is well developed and extremely lightweight. As with any plugin, this one has the potential to slow down your site, but we estimate the impact to be almost immeasurable.

What happens if I deactivate or uninstall this plugin?

Should you ever have the need to uninstall or deactivate this plugin, your footer credits will simply return to the default state set within your footer.php, "Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress"

How many websites can I install this plugin on?

Your initial purchase is good for unlimited installs. Once you have exhausted your maximum number of installs, additional credits can be purchased.

The reason: Our Aspen Footer Editor is designed to fit 92% of the real estate of the bottom footer section. The fix: Go to the Divi Theme Options’ Custom CSS field (or your child theme’s stylesheet) and add this snippet:

#footer-info { width: 100%; }

That's all there is to it.

Need additional information or support?

For general WordPress information – For additional help with using Divi, Elegant Themes offers free technical support to all their members –

Need help with customization or want to buy similar product?

If you feel you need to give your website a completely professional finish, or you simply don’t have time to do it yourself, contact us at WP Zone or send us an email to [email protected], to get our current rates. If you like our products and would like to purchase similar plugins, please visit