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Divi Client Safe


  • Self-Hosted WordPress Installation
  • Divi Theme by Elegant Themes
  • PHP version 7 or greater
  • memory_limit 256M
  • post_max_size 128M
  • max_execution_time 180
  • upload_max_filesize 256M
  • max_input_time 600
  • max_input_vars 5000
  • MySQL version 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB version 10.0 or greater
  • HTTPS support
  • Nginx or Apache with mod_rewrite module

Remember: In order for the Divi Client Safe to work, you must have Divi from Elegant Themes. If you do not have it you can purchase it here. Once you have it, please install it on your self-hosted WordPress website.


Stop pesky clients messing up your work of art with this simple & effective plugin. ** Visit the Divi Client Safe Plugin Page Here ** This plugin hides all of the options from the WordPress menu that a client might use to undo your good work, including;

  • Divi Theme Options
  • Dashboard & Updates
  • Plugins
  • Themes
  • File Editor Tab
  • Widgets
  • Settings
  • Tools

It also hides any update notifications for plugins, themes and WordPress that might try and sneak onto other pages. This leaves clients with a cleaner menu with only the options they need to create and manage content. It doesn’t delete those pages, it just hides them from the menu, so you can still access them via their URL. When you’re working on a site you can deactivate the plugin via http://YOUR-DOMAIN.COM/wp-admin/plugins.php and then reactivate it to hide the menu items again. Here are a few handy URL's for you to access the hidden pages: