Divi Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

Last modified Aug 4, 2021
Difficulty Beginner
Language None

Visual Builder Shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts are available when the Visual Builder is active.

Page Shortcuts

  • Undo: Ctrl + Z
  • Redo: Ctrl + Y / Cmd + Shift + Z
  • Save Page: Ctrl + S
  • Save Page as Draft: Ctrl + Shift + S
  • Exit Visual Builder: Ctrl + E
  • Exit To Backend Builder: Ctrl + Shift + E
  • Responsive Preview Zoom-In: Ctrl + +
  • Responsive Preview Zoom-Out: Ctrl + 
  • Toggle Settings Bar: T
  • Open Page Settings Modal: O
  • Open History Modal: H
  • Open Portability Modal: P
  • List All Shortcuts: ?

Inline Editor Shortcuts

  • Exit Inline Editor: Esc

Module Shortcuts

  • Copy Module: Ctrl + C
  • Cut Module: Ctrl + X
  • Paste Module: Ctrl + V
  • Copy Module Design Settings: Alt + Ctrl + C
  • Paste Module Design Settings: Alt + Ctrl + V
  • Disable Module: D
  • Lock Module: L
  • Adjust Padding By 10px: Shift + Drag
  • Mirror Padding Adjustment: Shift + Alt + Drag
  • Adjust Padding To Opposite Side: Alt + Drag
  • Copy Module + DragAlt + Module Move
  • Change Column Structure C + 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
  • Make Row Fullwidth: R + F
  • Change Gutter Width: G + 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
  • Increase Row Padding: R + Left/Right/Up/Down
  • Increase Row Padding by 10px: Shift + R + Left/Right/Up/Down
  • Decrease Row Padding: Alt + R + Left/Right/Up/Down
  • Add New Row: R + 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
  • Increase Section Padding: S + Left/Right/Up/Down
  • Increase Section Padding by 10px: Shift + S + Left/Right/Up/Down
  • Decrease Section Padding: Alt + S + Left/Right/Up/Down
  • Add New Section: S + 1 / 2 / 3
  • Open Module Settings: Double Click on module.

Modal Shortcuts

    • Close: Esc
    • Undo: Ctrl + Z
    • Redo: Ctrl + Y / Cmd + Shift + Z
    • Save Changes: Enter
    • Switch TabsShift + Tab
    • Toggle Modal Expand: Ctrl + Enter
    • Toggle Modal Snap: Ctrl + Left Arrow / Right Arrow



Backend Builder Shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts are available when the Backend Builder is active.

Page Shortcuts

  • Save Page: Ctrl + S
  • Save Page as Draft: Ctrl + Shift + S
  • Undo: Ctrl + Z
  • Redo: Ctrl + Shift + Z
  • Open History: H
  • Open Portability: P
  • Open Page Settings: O

Module Shortcuts

  • Cut Module: Ctrl + X
  • Copy Module: Ctrl + C
  • Paste Module: Ctrl + V
  • Copy Module + DragAlt + Module Move
  • Disable Module: D
  • Lock Module: L
  • Change Column Structure C + 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
  • Add New Row: R + 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
  • Add New Section: S + 1 / 2 / 3
  • Open Module Settings: Double Click on module.

Modal Shortcuts

  • Close: Esc
  • Save Changes: Enter
  • Switch Tabs: Shift + Tab
  • Preview Module: Ctrl + P

Text, headlines and paragraph (Mac)

  • H1 – ^ + + 1
  • H2 – ^ + + 2
  • H3 – ^ + + 3
  • H4 – ^ + + 4
  • H5 – ^ + + 5
  • H6 – ^ + + 6
  • Paragraph: ^ + + 7

Text, headlines and paragraph (Windows)

  • H1 – Shift + Alt + 1 (Windows)
  • H2 – Shift + Alt + 2 (Windows)
  • H3 – Shift + Alt + 3 (Windows)
  • H4 – Shift + Alt + 4 (Windows)
  • H5 – Shift + Alt + 5 (Windows)
  • H6 – Shift + Alt + 6 (Windows)
  • Paragraph: Shift + Alt + 7 (Windows)

Please let us know in the comments if everything worked as expected.


This snippet is based on the Divi Theme documentation article, copyright https://elegantthemes.com.

Your Comments


  1. Michael Musgrove

    What about editorial shortcuts, such as changing a word, sentence, phrase to H1, H2, paragraph, etc…? The classic WordPress shortcuts (alt+shift+1,2,3,etc…) don’t work anymore.

    • Anna Kurowska

      Hi Michael!

      Check this out:

      H1 – control + option + 1 (Mac) or shift + alt + 1 (Windows)
      H2 – control + option + 2 (Mac) or shift + alt + 2 (Windows)
      H3 – control + option + 3 (Mac) or shift + alt + 3 (Windows)
      H4 – control + option + 4 (Mac) or shift + alt + 4 (Windows)
      H5 – control + option + 5 (Mac) or shift + alt + 5 (Windows)
      H6 – control + option + 6 (Mac) or shift + alt + 6 (Windows)
      Paragraph: control + option + 7 (Mac) or shift + alt + 7 (Windows)

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