2017 in Review: Our Biggest Moments, Highlights and What’s To Come in 2018

2017 in Review: Our Biggest Moments, Highlights and What’s To Come in 2018
Filled with big, bold game-changing moves, 2017 was an incredibly exciting year for us at Aspen Grove Studios.

The year moved so quickly that we can hardly believe it’s already time to reflect and recount!

In this post, we review some of our best moments. We’ve also included a special gift to show our gratitude to you for helping us reach our milestones! To claim your gift, read all the way to the end!

Aspen Grove Studios Acquires Divi Space

Probably the crowning moment of the year was the acquisition of peer Divi company, Divi Space.
Founded by Stephen ‘SJ’ James, Divi Space was a leading brand operating in the third-party Divi development market. In order to keep Divi Space functioning at a high level, where product innovation and customer service were the primary focuses, Aspen Grove Studios came on board and added Divi Space into the family.

As well as sharing the portfolio of Divi products across both brands, with this new structure, Divi Space would go on to receive the same level of care, attention and marketing efforts as Aspen Grove Studios.

After redesigning the Divi Space website and ironing out a few kinks, the Aspen Grove Studios team settled in and got to work!

Our New Websites

In 2017, we completely redesigned both the Aspen Grove Studios and Divi Space websites. Following the acquisition, we wanted the respective website rebrands to reflect a new look and feel, one that was modern, clean and easy-to-navigate. We also decided to move our product sales platforms from WooCommerce to Easy Digital Downloads, and couldn’t be happier!

Our Product Highlights

In 2017, we, as Aspen Grove Studios and Divi Space, released some incredible products for the Divi community.

Just in time for Black Friday 2017, we released three incredible products: two new child themes and one plugin.


Bringing the Extra themes functionality into Divi, Divi Extras introduced six new modules to the Divi Builder! Perfect for websites that either publish high volumes of content, or are looking for a unique way to display blog or news feeds, Divi Extras introduces brand new content-focused elements into Divi, including the Blog Feed Masonry, Blog Feed Standard, Featured Post Slider, Blog Feed Carousel modules and more.

divi ecommerce

Shipping 100% already set up and integrated with WooCommerce, divi eCommerce is a drop dead gorgeous Divi child theme that’s filled to the brim with incredible sales-driven features designed to maximize conversions and make profits. Helping businesses create the e-store for their business, divi eCommerce ships with:

  • With two alternate Homepage examples,
  • Countdown timers to showcase time-sensitive offers,
  • Extremely feature-rich product pages,
  • Custom designed sidebar for WooCommerce, and
  • Custom designed Cart, Account and Checkout pages
Designed to help businesses succeed online, Divi Business Pro is an absolutely stunning child theme for Divi that’s packed with awesome web elements, including a homepage portfolio carousel, already set up testimonial section, custom designed blog, animated client display section and more.

Jasmine & Open Road

We also launched two awesome child themes called Jasmine and Open Road. These child themes were designed to help bloggers make their mark and create their blog with the Divi framework.

Service Child Themes

Finally, we dropped a pack of child themes, eight in total, that were created for businesses in the service and trade industries. These child themes included plenty of elements that focused on helping small to medium-sized businesses maximize conversions.

Our Collaborations

In 2017, we were lucky to work with other leading WordPress development agencies. Aspen Grove Studios joined forces with Foo Plugins for the Toys for Tots Campaign and too, helped organize and lead the Hurricane Harvey Fundraiser.

Here, in partnership with key leaders in the WordPress community, we raised almost $25,000 in donations and personally delivered the funds to relief agencies in the Houston and southeast Texas area.

Introducing the Aspen Grove Studios Membership

With so many changes happening to both the Aspen Grove Studios and Divi Space brands, and, with so many products all colliding into two shared portfolios, we decided to revisit our payment plans and pricing strategies.

We thought about how best to serve our customers and we felt that offering single, one-off product purchases at premium rates would not be sustainable in the long term. In order to maximise the value that we gave our customers, we decided to introduce a licensing model that would allow us to offer premium content and products at a value price.

For this, we introduced a membership, where our customers would gain access to our entire product portfolio for either as a once-off Lifetime fee or a interval payments set Annually.

With these memberships, our customers have free reign to use any number of our products in unlimited site builds, and also, gain special members-only content and exclusive releases. Instead of having to purchase various child themes and plugins as individual purchases every time, our customers can enjoy simply logging into their account and downloading any and every item when they see fit.

As well as the existing Aspen Grove Studios and Divi Space products, members would benefit from getting early, exclusive access to new release products… for life.

Find out what’s included in our membership plans and join today!

Aspen Grove Studios at WordCamp

One thing we love more than being involved in a thriving online community is meeting the members face-to-face!

We’re huge fans of the WordCamp conferences and in 2017 we attended WordCamp Phoenix, WordCamp Austin, WordCamp Orange County WordCamp US in Nashville.

As well as networking and meeting incredible forces in the WordPress industry, we love the WordCamps because we get to hang out with some of our favorite people in the world!

Here are some of our favorite pictures from 2017’s WordCamps!

Our Client Work

Most people know us for creating great products in the form of plugins and themes for WordPress and Divi, but what they don’t know is that we also have a thriving client facing business that designs and develops custom WordPress websites.

In 2017, we grew our client services side of the business by 150%! We averaged 2-4 custom websites per month and we expect that to continue to grow in 2018.

Here are a couple of highlights from 2017:

Our Team

Over the course of 2017, we grew our team exponentially. As well as introducing several contractors to work on various projects, we added two key roles, including marketing manager and Jonathan Hall as the lead back-end developer.

With so much talent on our team, we’re so excited to start building, crafting and creating, and seeing what 2018 will bring!

WP The Podcast Launches

Another incredible moment in 2017 was launching WP The Podcast.
After months of hard work, our David Blackmon, together with Divi Life’s Tim Strifler, launched their highly anticipated podcast show.

Covering everything related to WordPress, web design and development, business and more, WP The Podcast episodes release daily, in short, sweet 10 minute long installments.

Check out the WP The Podcast website for more information and subscribe to the podcast via iTunes.

What’s To Come In 2018

2018 is going to be filled with incredible projects, with incredible people, and we’ll be working on some incredible things to help you build better WordPress and Divi websites!

To make sure that your 2018 is productive, profitable and down-right awesome, we’re committing to release 4 new plugins (1 per quarter) and 8 new child themes (2 per quarter) over the course of the upcoming year! If you’re excited about our new releases, sign up to become a member and you’ll get access to our full portfolio of WordPress, Divi and Extra products and resources to use in your web projects!

A few highlights that are just around the corner include:

  • Launching Version 2.0 of the Divi Space CSS course, Transforming Divi with CSS and JQuery, in the first quarter of 2018.
  • Launching a second online course in conjunction with Tim Strifler of Divi Life, that’ll cover exactly how to run a successful WordPress business, from building WordPress websites to managing all of the business aspects including sales, marketing, contracts and more.
  • Attending WC Phoenix, WCUS Nashville and probably a few others, as well as contributing to WordCamp Phoenix as sponsors and organizers, and having our very own David Blackmon speak at WordCamp Phoenix!
  • Relaunching the all-new, Divi Demo Zone.
  • Acquiring another WordPress company in the first quarter of 2018, and adding an additional 18 products to our portfolio
  • Starting some exciting projects with key players in the WordPress industry (stay tuned for more info)!
  • Releasing even more amazing WordPress, Divi and Extra child themes, plugins, layout packs, Divi Demo Zone designs and more.
For Aspen Grove studios, 2017 was a year of growth, expansion, and innovation… we can’t wait to see what 2018 has in store for us!

As mentioned earlier, we want to extend a huge thank you to you, our customers, our followers, our friends, and would like to offer you a 10% coupon code that can be used in our store.

To claim the discount, simply enter GREATSTART2018 at checkout. The coupon is valid until the 31st of January 2018.

We hope that you enjoyed 2017 as much as we did! What were some of your highlights? We’d love to hear your most awesome moments in this wild, wonderful world of WordPress web development!

Thanks for reading!

Cory Jenkins

I am an Avid WordPress User/Developer/Blogger since 2007 and Co-Founder of WP Zone. When I am not working on awesome WordPress and Divi stuff, I enjoy hanging out with my family, watching baseball and exploring the great outdoors in our RV.