WordPress Plugin Review: Product Sales Report Pro for WooCommerce

WordPress Plugin Review: Product Sales Report Pro for WooCommerce

WooCommerce has built-in downloadable reports, but they’re limited in what they display and how they display it. A much better option is to use a plugin from Potent Plugins called Product Sales Report Pro for WooCommerce.

Product Sales Report Pro creates reports that display the quantity and gross sales of individual WooCommerce products for a specific date range. Build custom reports with the information you want and download them in several file formats.

Standard WooCommerce Reports

WooCommerce’s built-in reports show orders, customers, and stock. See sales by date, or product, or category, or coupons by date, or customer downloads. You can download any report as a CSV file.

The Sales by Date CSV file shows totals, but it doesn’t identify the items sold.

The Sales by Product CSV file also shows totals. It doesn’t include the name of the item within the report. You’ll need to add some information to this to make it useful. It’s named the same as the other reports, so you’ll have to rename each one as you download.

Building a Custom Report with Product Sales Report Pro

Product Sales Report Pro uses the same data but builds reports with more detail. You can build custom reports and you can download or email the report in several format types.

Order Filtering

The Order Filtering tab includes the order period (choose from 10 pre-set ranges or create a custom range), the status (choose from 7 options), specific fields (choose from 8 equations and define the value), and select the user’s role.

Product Filtering

The Product Filtering tab allows you to choose the products, limit by tags, limit by fields, include or exclude products based on specific statuses, include shipping, and include refunds.

Grouping and Sorting

The Grouping and Sorting tab provides group by and sort by options. Group by none, order, or order line item. Sort by ID, SKU, name, quantity, and gross sales.

Report Fields

The Report Fields tab lets you choose the fields to display on the report. It provides the default fields and you can delete or add as you wish. You can also change the names that display on the report. I’d like to see a drag and drop feature so they can be rearranged easily.

Display and Format

The Display and Format tab lets you limit the number of products to display, to include the title, header, totals, amounts, and to choose the format (choose from 5 formats) and file name. Some of these fields are dynamic.


The Advanced tab lets you set a time limit for how long the report can run, disable object caching, enable bug mode, and add your own CSS.

Download or Email

Once you’ve made your selections, click to download or enter an email address to send the report to. You will receive the report as the format type that you selected in the Display and Format tab.

Product Sales Report for WooCommerce Reports

Product Sales Report for WooCommerce lets you download the report in 5 format types:

  • CSV – comma separated value
  • XLSX – Excel 2007 and above
  • XLS – Excel 97-2003
  • HTML
  • HTML (enhanced)


The default report shows the product ID, SKU, variation SKU, product name, quantity sold, and gross sales. This is a CSV file that I’ve opened in Excel. The regular Excel files look the same.


The HTML format shows the same information as a table, but displays it within a new tab in your browser.

HTML (enhanced)

The enhanced HTML table gives you features to limit the number of entries, sort by each field, search, and pagination. It also opens in a new tab within your browser.

Product Sales Report for WooCommerce Custom Report Example

I’m building a report that only shows items with a Product ID of 48 or 60.

I’ve removed the Variation SKU field and added Current Stock Quantity and Gross Sales (After Discounts). I’ll rename them.

I’m adding a Totals row and viewing the report in HTML Enhanced.

Here’s the report in my browser. It displayed exactly what I asked for. I’ve changed the names of a few fields.

License and Documentation

There are three options, including a free and pro version. The pro version includes one year of updates and support.

  • Free – limited features
  • Pro 1 Site – $29.99
  • Pro 5 Sites – $59.99

Documentation is provided as a downloadable PDF.

You can purchase the plugin from the developer’s website.

Ending Thoughts

I found Product Sales Report Pro easy to use. All of the features are labeled well and easy to understand. The reports can include more information than the WooCommerce reports and you have a lot of control over what and how it’s displayed. If you’re interested in better reports for WooCommerce, Product Sales Report Pro is worth a look.

Have you tried Product Sales Report for WooCommerce? Let us know what you think about it in the comments.

Randy Brown

Randy A Brown is a professional writer specializing in WordPress, eCommerce, and business development. He loves helping the WordPress community by teaching readers how to improve their websites and businesses. His specialties include product reviews, plugin and theme roundups, in-depth tutorials, website design, industry news, and interviews. When he's not writing about WordPress he's probably reading, writing fiction, or playing guitar.