What are the Differences Between Product Sales Report Pro and Export Order Items Pro?

What are the Differences Between Product Sales Report Pro and Export Order Items Pro?

Product Sales Report Pro and Export Order Items Pro are very powerful reports plugins for WooCommerce websites. Both of these plugins work together to help create advanced, comprehensive reports for your WooCommerce store. But why are analytics and reporting important?

Having data and statistics about your online store is important as it enables you to make strategic business decisions. These decisions can inform implementing changes or developments on your website that will lead to higher revenue and an increase in profits. Without the data on which you can base your decisions, you’ll have to resort to guesswork, effectively gambling with your business.

In the following post, we discuss why eCommerce reporting is important for online stores. We also showcase our two reporting plugins, Product Sales Report Pro and Export Order Items Pro, available in both free and premium (paid) versions. We also explain the differences between the free and premium versions of both plugins, as well as share a great visual reference—a comparison table.

Why Is Reporting Important For an Online Store?

Without reporting tools and data from analytics, you’re effectively running your online store with blinders on.

Rather than leaving your business’ success up to chance, you could be making use of these powerful WooCommerce reporting plugins that allow you to have insightful data right at your fingertips. They will help you to do the following seamlessly:

  1. Improve your business management and streamline operations
  2. Assess your productivity, refine your workflow or see where you need to delegate tasks
  3. Set smart objectives that, due to assessing data and reports, are realistic
  4. Help you find out where to spend your efforts and invest more
  5. Give you realistic projections for business loans, financials and other business activities
  6. Understand the performance of your sales team and find ways to improve their current selling strategy
  7. Improve the design of your website and online store
  8. Improve your marketing strategies and create more effective marketing campaigns

These are just a few of the benefits of using Product Sales Report Pro and Export Order Items Pro reporting to better your business. If you’d like to read more on the topic, you can read more about why sales reporting is important for an online store.

Now that you have an overview of what can be achieved, it’s time to really get an idea of the differences between these two plugins.

You’ll find out if WooCommerce Export Order Pro or WooCommerce Product Sales Report Pro is better for your online store, or whether you should have both.

Product Sales Report Pro

The main objective of the Product Sales Report Pro plugin is to track the analytics behind each sale that you make.

The plugin effortlessly monitors your sales, allowing you to create highly accurate sales forecasts. It also helps to analyze site statistics to create a better sales strategy moving forward. After all, isn’t the backbone of every online store constant growth?

By tracking your sales (and returns if it’s relevant to your business) with accuracy, Product Sales Report Pro makes accounting and end-of-month financial reports a breeze. It also keeps track of inventory, so you’ll always know when stock is running low, when new orders need to be made, or when you’re completely sold out of an item on your online store.

While the plugin is active, it keeps track of valuable metrics and generates informative sales reports. You can use the plugin to create an unlimited number of reports and save them as a template if you wish—making it even easier to pull the same sales information the next month.

Creating a template or preset of a report is a great idea as you’ll be able to track the same core metrics over time and make informed profit-geared strategies. Using presets also saves you a bunch of time in the long run.

Some of Product Sales Report Pro’s most powerful features include:

  • One-click generate and share – download your reports with a click or send them as an email to anyone
  • Create presets – save your custom report settings, regenerate reports faster, and move preset to other sites
  • Date range sorting – with presets or custom start and end dates
  • Order status sorting – include or exclude pending payment, processing, on hold, completed, canceled, refunded, and failed
  • For specific user roles – including WordPress built-in roles, roles added by WooCommerce, and custom roles
  • Orders from customers with a specific field
  • Include specific products – based on product category, product id, tags, products with a specific field, and product variation
  • Grouping – bringing an additional reporting field into the mix
  • Sorting – choose the field you want the report sorted by and the order that it’ll display in
  • Set fields to include – add, remove, and drag and drop ordering
  • Format your report – title with dynamic fields, include a header and totals row, and file format options
  • Advanced styling – style your reports with custom CSS and branding

Download the free version of Product Sales for WooCommerce from the WordPress repository, or go for gold and purchase the premium version of the plugin from our store.

Export Order Items Pro

Export Order Items Pro is a plugin that makes order fulfilment a whole lot easier. The plugin allows you to use advanced order sorting options and display them in multiple formats. This also saves you loads of time when trying to create accounting reports, as all the orders are tracked for you.

This plugin helps with the internal running of your business, helping both suppliers and those making sure every order is being fulfilled keep track of what they have done and what is yet to be done. It also keeps records neat and orderly, so when it is time to assess the accounting side of your business, everything has been recorded to ensure smooth reporting.

Some of Export Order Items Pro’s most powerful features include:

  • Simple order sorting for pulling specific purchase information
  • Date range selector with common presets or custom start and end date and time
  • Presets let you save your export settings and reuse your reports
  • Set the data fields that you want to be included in the report
  • Filter by order status (Pending Payment, Processing, Completed, Cancelled, etc.)
  • Use conditional logic with dynamic fields for sorting reports
  • Export order reports by user role
  • Export all sales or sort by category, tag, product ID, and included field
  • Exclude or include free items, refunds, and shipping information
  • Set what shows on your reports, including custom fields, order line item, and variation
  • Change the names and order of fields in the report
  • Export in CSV, CSV-ASCII, XLS, XLSX, HTML, and HTML Enhanced formats
  • Customize your report layout with dynamic titles, additional rows, how decimals display, and conditional sorting

Download the free version of Export Order Items for WooCommerce from the WordPress repository, or get the pro version of the plugin from our store.

Differences Between Product Sales Report Pro and Export Order Items Pro

While both Product Sales Report Pro and Export Order Items Pro are extremely powerful reporting plugins, they give you the ability to complete different tasks. If you want a holistic report of how your business is doing, it’s best to have both of these plugins to ensure the seamless running of your business.

While one focuses on the sales and financial performance of your business, the other focuses on order fulfillment, making sure that backend operations are being monitored correctly. If both of these functions are imperative to your business, then having these plugins is a no-brainer.

Product Sales Report vs Export Order Items – Free and Pro Plugins Comparison

Below is a table that details the features of each of the plugins—both their free and premium versions—and compares them in an easy-to-digest table. If you’re a visual learner, this is for you!

Product Sales Report (Free) Product Sales Report (PRO) Export Order Items (Free) Export Order Items (PRO)
Export data format
Export data format .CSV .CSV, .XLS, .XLSX, .HTML .CSV .CSV, .XLS, .XLSX, .HTML
Send the report as an email attachment
Send the report as an email attachment
Customizable file name and title
Customizable file name and title
Custom CSS stylesheet
Custom CSS stylesheet
Can include custom data fields
Can include custom data fields
Select orders by order status (completed, pending etc.)
Select orders by order status (completed, pending etc.)
Select orders by date range
Select orders by date range
Select orders by categories
Select orders by categories
Select orders by user role (guest, custumer etc.)
Select orders by user role (guest, customer etc.)
Sort by Product ID / Order ID
Sort by Product ID / Order ID
Exclude free products
Exclude free products
Exports items containing a specific category or product ID
Exports items containing a specific category or product ID
Exports items containing a specific tag
Exports items containing a specific tag
Exports items containing specific fields or field value
Exports items containing specific fields or field value
Report on product variations individually
Report on product variations individually
Show only the first X products
Show only the first X products
Include totals row
Include totals row
Include basic report/order fields
Include basic report/order fields
Include custom fields defined on an order
Include custom fields defined on an order
Adjustable fields names
Adjustable fields names
Can create custom export presets
Can create custom export presets
Debug mode
Debug mode
Compatible with the Frontend Reports plugin
Compatible with the Frontend Reports plugin
Compatible with the Order Status Time Field plugin
Compatible with the Order Status Time Field plugin
Integrates with the Extra Product Options for WooCommerce plugin
Integrates with the Extra Product Options for WooCommerce plugin
Integrates with the Scheduled Email Reports for WooCommerce plugin
Integrates with the Scheduled Email Reports for WooCommerce plugin
Product Page
Product Page Learn More Learn More Learn More Learn More

Having accurate reporting can quite literally make or break your business. Without collecting data, or even worse—collecting incorrect data, your eCommerce business is effectively left in the dark and will struggle to grow in size and profit margins.

Together, Product Sales Report Pro and Export Order Items Pro create a winning combination of a reporting suite and together will give you solid metrics that will see your eCommerce store reach success.

Purchase Product Sales Report Pro and Export Order Items Pro today or, even better, join our lifetime membership or annual membership and get both of these plugins plus access to our entire product collection.

Have you used either or both Product Sales Report Pro and Export Order Items Pro plugins on your site? Share your experience with these two plugins in the comments section below!

Lisa-Robyn Keown

Lisa-Robyn is a qualified copywriter and brand strategist from Cape Town, South Africa.