Hosted by David Blackmon of Aspen Grove Studios and Divi Space, and Tim Strifler of Divi Life and Tim Strifler Online Solutions, WP The Podcast by WPGears is a highly-informative, content-rich 10-minute-long podcast that releases episodes daily.
Created to help the WordPress professional success in reaching their business goals, WP The Podcast covers engaging and captivating topics revolving around WordPress, web development, marketing and business.
In the following post, we recap a collection of previous episodes from WP The Podcast.
Episode 598 – Is It Important To Stay Up With The Latest Design Trends?
Trends are not only the fashion thing, but is being trendy the most important factor when creating a website? In episode 598 David and Tim discuss the importance of staying up with modern design, highlight the examples of recent design news and explain how to suit the best way of web development regarding the type of business. So the question is – pretty or useful? Check out this episode and see for yourself.
Episode 599 – The Best eCommerce Platform
When preparing an online shop, choosing the best e-commerce platform is one of the most important parts. But how should you choose the right one when the web leaves you with so many options – that’s the question David and Tim decided to explore a bit deeper and finally came up with the summary of pros and cons of the biggest e-commerce players. This episode presents how to choose the best platform, based on types of products sold online.
Episode 600 – Why is WordPress Open Source And What That Means For You
The open source programs let you freely explore the code and change it, depending on your needs. But is basing the business on the open source platform safe? In episode 600 David and Tim discuss the strengths of WordPress as a free software, with innovation as the most important factor and suggests how to stay sane in a world where everybody may try to steal your ideas.
Episode 601 – Why So Many WordPressers Dislike Gutenberg
The new WordPress editor, recently implemented, provoked a huge dissatisfaction of users. Why? In episode 601 David and Tim pinpoint the reasons of that situation by showing the blind spots of Gutenberg. But are the weaknesses of the editor the most important factor or do people just not like changes at all? Check it out in this episode.
Episode 602 – Top 5 HTML5 Video Players For WordPress
Nowadays, having video players on your website is a modern necessity. This episode discusses the best video player plugins for WordPress, with the commentary from David and Tim about their top 5 options, highlighting the need of using a few different players on one website.
Episode 603 – Why You Should Upgrade to PHP 7
PHP is a language used to write WordPress, so keeping it up to date is the main subject of episode 603. In this podcast, David and Tim discuss the advantages of upgrading the PHP, which let you explore the new features, makes the whole thing safer for your website and also explain how to maintain the upgrade without worrying about compatibility.
Episode 604 – The Critical Project Management Mistake that Can Cost You Thousands
Building a website is the easiest part, but developing the whole business – that’s the big thing. In this episode, David explains some main rules that should be followed by all project managers. All of it starts with establishing the way of communication on both sides – your company and your Customer’s business. See it for yourself in the episode 604.
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