Hosted by David Blackmon of Aspen Grove Studios and Divi Space, and Tim Strifler of Divi Life and Tim Strifler Online Solutions, WP The Podcast is a highly-informative, content-rich 10-minute-long podcast that releases episodes daily.
Created to help the WordPress professional success in reaching their business goals, WP The Podcast covers engaging and captivating topics revolving around WordPress, web development, marketing and business.
In the following post, we recap a collection of previous episodes from WP The Podcast.
Episode 230: Top 5 Places to Purchase Plugins and Themes
Episode 230 shares a number of online stores, vendors and marketplaces where people can purchase WordPress plugins and themes from. In the episode David and Time cover all the bases, from the Divi specific agencies such as Aspen Grove Studios, Divi Life, Divci Space and Elegant Themes, to alternate page builder sources and the general/all-purpose WordPress stores.
Episode 231: What is Google AMP and Should You Use It?
Episode 231 discusses what (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is and why it’s important for modern day web development. In a nutshell, the Google AMP Project employs a revolutionary technology that shaves away website load time and allows for the production of blazing fast mobile sites. This episode of WP The Podcast discusses Google AMP and debates who should be employing this technology in their sites.
Episode 232: How to Set Up Google Analytics on Your WordPress Website
Episode 232 offers a thorough tutorial on how to set up one of the most imperative web development tools, Google Analytics, on a WordPress website. In the episode, David and Tim offer a step by step guide for starting an account, configuring the settings embarking the tracking ID and verifying site ownership.
Episode 233: Why Web Designers Must be Marketers
Episode 233 dives into an interesting topic – why web designers should also be marketers. From discussing conversion theory and customer journeys in relation to aesthetic design, to discussing client relationship management and service selling, the episode digs deep into the importance of having marketing skills as well as creative talent.
Episode 234: Why & When You Should Reach Out to be on Podcasts
Episode 234 investigates podcasting, the benefits of podcasting and the cases where you should reach out to a podcast host and offer your time and assistance as a guest.
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To stay up to date with the latest releases from WP The Podcast, be sure to subscribe to the podcast via iTunes. Also, don’t forget to leave a review! If you’d like David and Tim to discuss a particular topic on the show, send them a message via the WP The Podcast website! Finally, don’t forget to share the podcast with your friends!
We want to hear from you. What’s your favorite episode of WP The Podcast? Let us know in the comments below.
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