Divi 3.0 and the Revolutionary Front-End Builder Are Finally Here!

Divi 3.0 and the Revolutionary Front-End Builder Are Finally Here!
Today is the day! After what feels like an eternity, Divi 3.0 has finally arrived!

For the past 100 days, we, the international Divi community, have been counting down the days to the biggest Divi update in Elegant Themes history. Over this period, the team at Elegant Themes kept us on the edge of our seats by sharing a plethora of incredible Divi resources – tips, tutorials, interviews etc. – that would aid and enhance the process of designing and developing websites with Divi. The 100-day countdown has come to a close and finally, Divi 3.0 and its revolutionary front-end visual editor are ready for download!

Built ground up with React and Flux (Javascript libraries) the new front-end visual builder is incredibly fast and powerful, and allows you edit the pages of your website directly from the front-end. Not only does the new Divi 3.0 front-end editor save an absolute wealth of time in website design and development, but it’s sure to bring an even greater sense of fun and enjoyment to the process as well.

The Divi 3.0 front-end visual builder has been designed to work intuitively with you, somewhat anticipating the changes you’re going to make to various aspects of the sections, rows, and modules within a web page. Subtle and unobtrusive in form, the front-end builder won’t distract you from your web project or workflow, allowing you to add, edit and alter content modules with ease.

Switching between the front-end preview state and the back-end builder can be somewhat painful at times. How frustrating is it when you forget to bold decorate one tiny word, or have to change one small typo? What about if you decide to change the padding or margin of a row, and have to constantly keep previewing your updates to see if your content fits accordingly? Well, gone are the days of flipping back and forth between the back and front end. Now, content changes to each of the Divi modules happen instantaneously, and each edit executed via the Inline-editor can be viewed without leaving the front-end.
The new visual builder also includes an incredibly handy undo and redo feature, as well as a full history log of changes. This allows you to retrace your steps if need be, and again, right from the comfort of the front-end view of your web build.
Watch the final Divi 3.0 promo video below or read the latest Elegant Themes blog post for a comprehensive list of Divi 3.0’s features.
With a little bit of tinkering time and playing around, you’ll quickly learn the ins and outs of the 3.0 front-end builder’s interface, and will be swiftly on your way to building even more impressive websites with Divi.
If you missed any of the incredible resources released during the 100 Days of Divi Marathon, check out the list below for links to each and every one of the blog posts.
We’re so excited for the release of Divi 3.0, and can’t wait to see what’s coming in 3.1! Head over to Elegant Themes and download Divi 3.0 now! Don’t forget to share your comments below and tell us about your experiences with Divi 3.0!

Recapping the Divi 100 Marathon

In case you missed one of the great resources shared by Elegant Themes during the course of the Divi 100 Marathon, here is a list of every single one of resources with links to the respective blog posts. Enjoy!

Divi Tutorials

Lisa-Robyn Keown

Lisa-Robyn is a qualified copywriter and brand strategist from Cape Town, South Africa.