Adding a ‘Slider Animations’ section to the Theme Customizer

Adding a ‘Slider Animations’ section to the Theme Customizer

So I’m currently sat around a table with 9 other huge Divi enthusiasts ahead of the #diviwcoc16 having the time of my life. Geeky I know. I’ve just been playing around with some slider animations on a site I’m working on and thought it might be nice to add the option to the module customizer, so you guys can too.


If you want to add the two bottom options (Slide Description Animation, Slide Image Animation) then just copy the code below into your functions.php.

// ====================== Slider Animations ======================

function ds_slider_animation_options($wp_customize) {
 // Add Image / Video Animation Options
 $wp_customize->add_setting('ds_slide_description', array(
 'default' => 'auto',
 'type' => 'option',
 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options',
 // Add Image / Video Animation Options
 $wp_customize->add_control('ds_slide_description', array(
 'label' => __('Slide Description Animation'),
 'section' => 'et_pagebuilder_slider',
 'type' => 'select',
 'priority' => 60,
 'settings' => 'ds_slide_description',
 'choices' => array(
 'fadeLeft' => 'Fade Left',
 'fadeBottom' => 'Fade Bottom',
 'fadeRight' => 'Fade Right',
 'fadeTop' => 'Fade Top',
 'fadeInRight' => 'Fade In Right',
 'fadeInLeft' => 'Fade In Left',
 'fadeInTop' => 'Fade In Top',
 'fadeInBottom' => 'Fade In Bottom',
 'Grow' => 'Grow',
 'flipInX' => 'Flip In X axis',
 'flipInY' => 'Flip In Y axis',
 // Add Image / Video Animation Options
 $wp_customize->add_setting('ds_slide_image', array(
 'default' => 'auto',
 'type' => 'option',
 'capability' => 'edit_theme_options',
 // Add Image / Video Animation Options
 $wp_customize->add_control('ds_slide_image', array(
 'label' => __('Slide Image Animation'),
 'section' => 'et_pagebuilder_slider',
 'type' => 'select',
 'priority' => 60,
 'settings' => 'ds_slide_image',
 'choices' => array(
 'fadeLeft' => 'Fade Left',
 'fadeBottom' => 'Fade Bottom',
 'fadeRight' => 'Fade Right',
 'fadeTop' => 'Fade Top',
 'fadeInRight' => 'Fade In Right',
 'fadeInLeft' => 'Fade In Left',
 'fadeInTop' => 'Fade In Top',
 'fadeInBottom' => 'Fade In Bottom',
 'Grow' => 'Grow',
 'flipInX' => 'Flip In X axis',
 'flipInY' => 'Flip In Y axis',

add_action('customize_register', 'ds_slider_animation_options');

function ds_slider_animation_options_css() {
$slide_description = get_option('ds_slide_description','fadeInRight');
$slide_image = get_option('ds_slide_image','fadeInRight');

.et-pb-active-slide .et_pb_slide_description {
 animation-name: <?php echo $slide_description; ?>;

.et-pb-active-slide .et_pb_slide_image, .et-pb-active-slide .et_pb_slide_video {
 animation-name: <?php echo $slide_image; ?>;


add_action( 'wp_head', 'ds_slider_animation_options_css' );

It’ll add the two option right in the native ‘Slider Module’ customizer settings.

I hope you find this useful 🙂

Stephen James

SJ is a web developer living in the coastal town of Southsea, England. He is a Divi and WordPress advocate and the founder of Divi Space.