Free Outline Icon Pack

Free Outline Icon Pack
All price options are billed annually (except for lifetime plans or where otherwise indicated). You may cancel your subscription at any time. Products subject to a yearly license for support and updates. View terms.
DownloadIcon set, available in SVG, PSD, PNG, AI, EPS. Icon set is not a plugin.
300+ Free Outline Icon Pack
Select from over 300 custom designed icons to create knockout designs. Licensed under Creative Commons, the icons in the 300+ Free Outline Icon Pack can be used without accreditation in both online and offline projects.

Build beautiful designs with the 300+ Free Outline Icon Pack! Shipping with over 300 custom designed, hand-drawn icons, the 300+ Free Outline Icon Pack helps designers create slick and clean designs.
Brilliant for designers and developers needing a collection of general icons for their designs, the 300+ Free Outline Icon Pack can be used to fit any industry, market, client or brief. Easy to edit, the icons ship in a range of formats that can be customized using leading image editing software to match any brand identity, style guide or color palette.

Licensed under Creative Commons, the icons included in the 300+ Free Outline Icon Pack can be used without accreditation in any online or offline project.
Gone are the days of setting up complicated script code integrations and uploading individual files, WP and Divi Icons PRO makes adding custom icons to page, post and project layout a breeze.
WP and Divi Icons PRO introduces a collection of custom-designed icon packs, including the 300+ Free Outline Icon Pack, into the WordPress framework. As well as custom icons, WP and Divi Icons PRO also integrates with leading font sources Material Design and Font Awesome.
The first, last and only icon plugin you’ll ever need, find out more about the WP and Divi Icons PRO plugin now.

300+ Free Outline Icon Pack
- 500px
- adjust horizontal
- adjust vertical
- adjust horizontal
- adjust vertical
- adobe cc
- alarm
- alarm
- align center
- align justify
- align left
- align right
- amazon
- analysis
- android
- animal hands
- animal heart
- aperture
- apple
- arrow down
- arrow down circle
- arrow left
- arrow left circle
- arrow right
- arrow right circle
- arrow up
- arrow up circle
- aspengrovestudios
- bar chart
- bar chart
- bar chart
- bar chart
- icon_bar chart
- battery level
- battery level
- battery level
- battery level empty
- behance
- behance
- billboard
- binders
- bird
- bitbucket
- bitcoin
- bitcoin circle
- bitcoin mining
- book
- book heart
- bookmark
- bookmark star
- bread
- bread heart
- briefcase
- brochure
- browser
- bulb
- bulb flash
- bulb options
- bullhorn
- calculator
- calendar
- calendar check
- calendar heart
- camera
- cancel
- cat
- cat
- cd
- celsius
- certificate
- champagne
- chat
- chat gear
- check circle
- circle
- clip
- clothing handbag
- cloud
- cloud check
- cloud computing
- cloud download
- cloud padlock
- code
- coffee
- coffee
- contrast
- credit card
- crop
- cursor
- delete
- deviantart
- doctor
- documents
- dog
- dog
- dollar
- dollar bill
- dollar circle
- download
- dribble
- drop
- dropbox
- error
- eye
- eye closed
- eyedropper
- facebook like
- face happy
- face neutral
- face sad
- fast forward
- file
- file add
- file ai
- file check
- file cursor
- file download
- file error
- file heart
- file jpg
- file padlock
- file pdf
- file png
- file ps
- file question
- file zip
- flag
- flag
- flag
- flash
- flickr
- food
- food heart
- gear
- gift
- gift heart
- github
- github
- github
- globe
- gmail
- google drive
- google hangout
- google plus
- google sheets
- google wallet
- grid copy
- grid
- hamburger menu
- hamburger menu circle
- handbag
- hand heart
- hand leaf
- hands
- hand watch
- heart
- heartbeat
- heart leaf
- heart leaf 2
- hearts
- heptagon
- hexagon
- hospital
- house
- house padlock
- html5
- id card
- image
- income
- key
- keys
- landscape
- laptop
- layers
- learn
- leaves
- list
- location
- macro
- medal
- medium
- medium
- meetup
- meetup
- message
- message
- message
- message heart
- messenger
- microphone
- mining
- mobile
- money bag
- monitor
- music
- music play
- myspace
- myspace
- next
- notebook
- notebook
- padlock
- padlock open
- patreon
- patreon
- pause
- paypal
- pencil
- pentagon
- people
- person
- pie chart
- piggy bank
- pills
- pin
- play
- portrait
- portrait
- previous
- printer
- question
- quora
- refresh
- refresh
- rewind
- ribbon
- rocket
- rocket
- rocket
- rss
- rss
- ruler
- sd card
- security camera
- share
- shop
- sign
- skype
- slack
- slack
- slack
- sleep
- snapchat
- sound
- soundcloud
- soup
- soup heart
- spotify
- square
- star
- stethoscope
- stop
- stripe
- sun
- sun
- sun cloud
- tag
- target
- thermometer
- time
- tinder
- transporter
- trello
- triangle
- tshirt
- tumblr
- tumblr
- twitch
- twitch
- upload
- usb stick
- vaccine
- video
- video play
- vimeo
- vimeo
- wallet
- warning
- water cycle
- wedding
- windows
- wordpress
- world
- world heart
- wpgears
- youtube
- zoom
- zoom in
- zoom out
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