Divi Nonprofit Changelog

Note: In addition to the changes listed here, there may be other minor fixes and improvements that are not noted. For more information about this product, visit the Divi Nonprofit product page.

Version 1.1.6, September 8, 2023

  • Fix: sidebar doesn't display correctly on single events

Version 1.1.5, March 20, 2023

  • Remove unused files

Version 1.1.4, February 27, 2023

  • Rebrand
  • Update footer credits text
  • Fix potential critical error when updating theme

Version 1.1.3, September 10, 2021

  • Change updater url for Aspen Grove Studios product version
  • Add possibly missing files for required plugins installer for Elegant Themes Marketplace product version

Version 1.1.2, April 22, 2021

  • Removed: Caldera Forms plugin
  • Added plugins:
  • Shortcodes for Divi
  • WP Layouts
  • Updated demo data importer
  • Removed /admin/importer directory
  • Added Addons tab to the admin area
  • Miscellaneous styling fixes

Version 1.1.1, December 1, 2020

  • Fix demo data import: Automatically retry on certain types of errors when doing site imports
  • Fix demo data import: Certain types of errors during layout import didn't result in an error message (only frozen import progress)

Version 1.1.0, November 27, 2020

  • Added changelog `readme.txt`
  • Updated Child Theme css rules
  • Updated licensing information in `style.css`
  • Added translations to child theme files
  • Updated content, admin styling improvements
  • Updated all stylesheets to meet wordpress.org CSS Coding Standards
  • Removed slick directory (slick files are enqueued from cdn now)
  • Updated demo importer
  • Moved child theme admin functions from `functions.php` to `admin-functions.php`
  • Added license key protection
  • Added a custom field: "Contact page" on the "Dashboard > Settings > Reading" page;
  • Fixed "Contact" button on single animal page
  • Fixed conflict with default Divi sidebars; Updated sidebars IDs
  • Added styles to Events Calendar 5
  • Miscellaneous styling fixes

Version 1.0.2, September 19, 2019

  • Fixed "View"dropdown styling on event directory page (css/event.css)
  • Removed empty php tag from single-project.php
  • Fixed title on animals search result page (animal-index.php, line 13)
  • Fixed "foreach" issue on single animal page (single-animal.php, lines 110, 117)
  • Added function which checks if 'rwmb_the_value' exist (functions.php)
  • Hide gallery on single animal page when slick slider is not initialized (css/animals.css)
  • Hide animal carousel when slick slider is not initialized (custom/custom-da-modules.css)

Version 1.0.1, April 24, 2019

  • Fixed detection of Events Calendar that could causes some issue - functions.php

Note: In addition to the changes listed here, there may be other minor fixes and improvements that are not noted. For more information about this product, visit the Divi Nonprofit product page.