Walden Theme Changelog

Note: In addition to the changes listed here, there may be other minor fixes and improvements that are not noted. For more information about this product, visit the Walden Theme product page.

Version 1.2.3, February 27, 2023

  • Rebrand
  • Fix potential critical error when updating theme

Version 1.2.2 April 19, 2021

  • Fix: compatibility with Helper plugin
  • Change WP Layouts importer method to hook and added WP Layouts to required plugins

Version 1.2.1 September 16, 2021

  • Updated license statements
  • Change site URL in updater for Aspen Grove Studios product version

Version 1.2.0 May 27, 2020

  • Added translations to child theme files
  • Added "Child theme settings" tab to WordPress customizer
  • Added feature to change footer background image through WordPress customizer
  • Added feature to change submenu background image through WordPress customizer
  • Added feature to change author background image through WordPress customizer
  • Admin styling improvements
  • Updated all stylesheets to meet wordpress.org CSS Coding Standards
  • Updated Child Theme css rules
  • Updated licensing information in `style.css`
  • Added changelog `readme.txt`
  • Added `license.txt
  • Removed `replace_howdy` function that change "Howdy" to "Welcome"
  • Removed function that allows adding svg files
  • Added license key protection
  • Updated file name: `module-post-content.php` > `walden-module-post-content.php`
  • Fixed 'Undefined variable' error in walden-module-post-content.php
  • Added Woocommerce sidebar
  • Updated shop page (created in Theme Builder)
  • Updated styling on certain pages: Cart, Checkout, My Account
  • Updated Category Layout and Homepage Layout
  • Removed newsletter styles from `style.css` (added in Visual Builder)
  • Updated post templates in `post-templates` directory
  • Updated demo importer
  • Removed: 404-page-blank.php
  • Removed: 404-page.php
  • Removed: single.php
  • Removed: rtl.css

Note: In addition to the changes listed here, there may be other minor fixes and improvements that are not noted. For more information about this product, visit the Walden Theme product page.